GMO free
An increasing number of consumers in Europe are attaching great importance to food being free of GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms). In Austria, the Guideline for Defining GMO Free Production of Foodstuffs and their Labelling provides the legislative framework for labelling food of plant and animal origin as being GMO free.

UTZ certified
n 2010, LACON attained authorization to carry out certification according the UTZ Standard. “UTZ Certified Good Inside” with its headquarters in Amsterdam was initially designed for coffee farming and has now been extended to cover tea and cocoa production.
Professionalization of agricultural production and improved management enable the farmers in developing countries to increase sustainability of their raw materials resulting in a production of larger quantities at a lower cost. Increased profit generated is used to improve the living standards of the farmers and their families.
Sustainable Biomass
To protect the climate and reduce current CO2 emissions, the sustainable use of biomass for energy is to be encouraged. The 2009/28/EU Directive defines sustainability requirements for the use of biomass for energy. With the Biomass Electricity Sustainability Ordinance (BioSt-NachV) and the Biofuels Sustainability Ordinance (Biokraft-NachV), the framework of the Renewable Energy Sources directive stipulated by the European Union for sustainability criteria for biofuels and liquid fuels is transposed into national law (Germany). In the meantime REDcert was recognized by the European Commission as a system for the certification of sustainable biomass.

Pro Planet
GRASP is an additional module to GLOBALG.A.P that covers social aspects. LACON can offer the GRASP Module in combination with GLOBALG.A.P certification.
GRASP is directed towards the social practices concerning the workers employed by the operation. Some of the aspects taken into consideration are: How are complaints managed? Do the workers know their rights? Are minimum wages and working hours abided by?
GRASP can only be applied in those countries in which a national interpretation exists.
Further information and current forms can be found under Downloads or on the GLOBALG.A.P website.