No other branch has been so highly challenged by globalisation as that of primary food production. GLOBALG.A.P. is now established on the global market as being the reference standard for good agricultural practice (G.A.P.). The main issues covered by GLOBALG.A.P. are related to food safety and are based on consumer expectations.
IFS – International Featured Standards
The IFS food standard initially provided the food industry with a clear retailing standard. It now consists of a whole series of standards that can be applied to all sectors of the food retailing industry.

ISO 9001
In 2012, LACON extended its range of services extended to include certification of management systems according to the world-wide accepted Norm ISO 9001.
More than 1 million certified companies world-wide make use of ISO 9001 as an instrument to steer their company and improve their performance. Internationally valid requirements for management systems concerning quality of production, service performance and development are laid down in this norm.